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FYPH 102B: Leadership and Self Discovery

Sources at University Libraries

University Libraries has LOTS of sources to help you learn more about your leadership potential. Books are useful for background information. How do others learn about their leadership potential? Learn about the changes that have been done in the past to improve our world? Books are perfect for answering these big questions.

Turn to scholarly journal articles for more in-depth information about a narrow topic, such as religious exemptions for businesses providing health care which omits options for female contraception, or how wildlife-use industries (such as marine aquariums or trophy hunting) profit from animal exploitation. Scholars often get their inspiration from news articles. 

News articles are great for identifying local issues. ("Local issues" does not necessarily mean "Wichita." A local issue is any issue or problem impacting a town, city, state or region.) News articles also provide information about historical and current events. Learn more about finding news sources in the next tab.

Reasons to use newspapers (electronic or print) and blogs and vlogs created by professional journalists or people living through an event: 

  • See how people viewed an event when it happened
  • Examine issues relevant to groups or individuals in a specific location
  • Insights about breaking news
  • Multiple points of view about an issue, including a comparison of the United States and international views
  • Tend to be easy to read and are written for the general public

University Libraries has several news sources. Use this Newspaper library guide for more information about finding the Wichita Eagle, national newspapers, international news, and other news sources. Additional news sources are listed on the A - Z Databases page with a limiter to newspapers. 

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