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ScienceDirect offers journal articles from more than 2,500 journals in the physical sciences & engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences & humanities

Finding altmetrics on ScienceDirect

Click here for a list of the 26 journals that are participating the the pilot project to add altmetrics data to article descriptions in ScienceDirect

1)  Go to ScienceDirect

2)  Enter your search terms in the search boxes at the top of the page, or click on the Advanced search link to find options for limiting your search to journal articles only. You may also browse publications (books & journals) by subject area or title. Only those journals participating in the pilot project above will include altmetrics data.

3)  When you find an article of interest, click on the title to access its metrics:

4)  The altmetric information is located on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on the link  that says Click for more details:

Altmetrics provided:  Mentions on Twitter and Facebook; bookmarks on Mendeley and CiteULike; the altmetric score from Altmetric.comdemographics of tweeters; and ranking information.

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