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SOC 306: Introduction to Gender Studies

Streaming Video/Audio

DVD Collections

There are several video collections housed in the Wichita State University Libraries. Two collections are located in the Reserve section of Ablah Library. Another collection of performing arts and language videos are located in MALIC (Music and Language Information Center) in Jardine Hall. These collections, which can be checked out free of charge by WSU faculty, staff, and students, are described below. 

       Shocker DVD Collection 

Over 600 popular movies and TV shows are available. The collection is housed in the Reserve Reading Room on the first floor of Ablah Library. Movies and shows can be checked out for 3 days with one renewal. There is a limit of 4 DVDs at each checkout. Joint project of the University Libraries, Student Government Association (SGA), and Student Activities Council (SAC) initiated in 2009. For a list of all DVDs in this collection, click on the link above.

       General DVD/VHS Collection

Ablah Library houses a general collection of VHS tapes and DVDs. This collection is located in the Reserve Reading Room on the first floor of the library and supports WSU classes with documentaries, arts performances, and feature films requested by faculty, staff, and students. All videos in this collection have records in the Libraries' online catalog.

The Music Library, in the Music and Languages Innovation Center (MALIC), houses DVD and VHS titles of many opera, jazz, symphonic and chamber music performances, along with a variety of documentaries relating to the study of music. (Note: Staged versions of musicals are found in the Music Library, while cinematic versions are found in Ablah Library.) Many foreign language DVDs are also available to be checked out through the Music Library. These titles are shelved near the Language Lab portion of the facility, and usually have an option for viewing with English subtitles. 
All videos are listed in the Libraries' online catalog:

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X