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ANTH 303 World Cultures

Welcome to the ANTH 303 Library Guide

Image by petercolgan on Pixabay.

Welcome to the library guide for ANTH 303 World Cultures. This guide will link you to resources useful in completing the research assignment for this course. If you need any assistance, please contact Ethan Lindsay, Anthropology Librarian. (see contact information on left).

Searching Tips

1. To locate an article in a scholarly journal, do a keyword search in one of the databases listed on this web site. Click on the "Find Articles" tab on the upper left.          
2. To locate an article in an anthropology encyclopedia, select one of the encyclopedias listed under the "Encyclopedias" tab on the upper left and search by your topic.

3. To locate a book, do a search in the WSU Online Catalog at or check out the selected books listed under the "Books" tab on the upper left.      
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