Citing Sources
Most databases have a Cite This button (it may just look like a double quote: ") that will generate a citation for you. For History papers, select Chicago when asked to choose a citation style. It's always a good idea to double check the formatting of a generated citation. The guides below provide useful examples to follow.
Excelsior Online Writing Lab - Chicago StyleThe following pages will have sample bibliographic entries using Chicago style. Each example will have three entries. The first entry shown is the first note for a source. The second entry shown is for subsequent notes for a source. The third entry is the bibliographic entry for the note. This will be found in the bibliography at the end of the work.
Citation Management Tools
These tools help manage your sources, generate citations, and keep your research in order.
ZoteroBibZoteroBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. If you need to reuse sources across multiple projects or build a shared research library, we recommend using Zotero instead.
ZoteroA free, open-source citation management tool developed by and for researchers. Plugins are available for web browsers and Word.
EndNoteCitation management software available to those with a WSU ID and password.
MendeleyA free citation management tool similar to EndNote and Zotero, available from Elsevier.
Writing Guidance